How You Can Use 3D Rendering in your Furniture Business?

Over the years IKEA mastered the art of furniture 3D Rendering so much, that you can hardly spot any difference between real sets and computer-generated model in their catalogues.

Do stunningly lifelike 3D Models only make sense for furniture behemoths like IKEA? Most certainly not! Small business owners and designers can benefit from 3D Rendering just as much.

Stay tuned to learn how utilizing 3D Rendering can benefit your furniture business.

3d rendering

Use 3D Rendering to get Your Customers Excited

Use 3D Rendering to get your customers excited

You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And we could not agree more, especially when it comes to furniture business.

The image is what actually creates a buzz and gives your client a first-hand experience of what the piece would look like at the end.

One of the biggest perks of 3D Rendering is that you can create photorealistic images of the furniture without even having a physical prototype in place.

Not only does it give your customer a better insight into the final look of the item, but it also allows you to tweak around with the design until your buyer is entirely happy with it.

Even if you detect some design flaws, they can be easily fixed by a few clicks. And I think we would all agree, that identifying imperfections before anything becomes brick and mortar can save you a lot of time and money.

Use 3D to cover your marketing needs

Marketing is where furniture 3D Rendering really shines.

These cutting-edge visuals. Give you a lot of flexibility when it comes to promoting the products.

Giving your furniture piece a seasonal makeover, presenting it on a white background, adding lighting effects or replicating the image for multiple resolutions – with 3D models you can do it all.

Creating stunning animations is also easier with 3D Rendering . Unlike traditional photography that only allows for basic movements, 3D modelling enables marketers to animate without limits.

The interactivity especially comes in handy when you need to showcase design features, specific capabilities and parts of the product.

What marketers also dearly love about the 3D Rendering is the fact that the same 3D model can be refurbished gazillion times to fit your promotion needs. The best part it, adjusting the 3D models is less expensive than building a photo set from scratch.

Therefore your marketing budget. Will be barely affected by 3D Models refurbishing.

Use 3D Rendering to better tailor your product to different markets

The one-size-fits-all strategy does not work when you sell on different markets. And Ikea lives by this hard and fast rule.

To convey the concept of “perfect home” in different countries, Ikea adjusts their 3D models in catalogues.

The same kitchen furniture that is being sold in the United States and Scandinavia would look. A bit differently in IKEA’s catalogues.

Minor details like the color of the cupboards. Or the texture of the countertops are edited according to the taste of a target audience.

Thoughtful 3D Models tailoring can benefit your small furniture business as well. Genuinely addressing your market’s desires will eventually translate into better sales. And isn’t this the ultimate goal of all the businesses?

The popularity of computer-generated models is growing by leaps and bounds. And that is easy to explain. Not only does 3D Rendering showcase your design in the best light possible, but it can also cut the marketing expenses a lot.

Whether you are an owner of a furniture giant like IKEA or you have a small furniture shop you can definitely benefit from stunning photorealistic 3D models. Give them a try!


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