Ilustraviz Blog

Ilustraviz Top Reasons Why 3D Render Professionals Are Mandatory

Written by Denis Dado | Jul 14, 2020 10:51:35 AM

Earlier photorealistic CGI renders are virtually indistinguishable from real life photos. Thanks to this marvelous trait, big name companies around the world are experiencing noteworthy boosts in conversion rates. That said, not all 3D renders are created equal.

Only high-quality CGI images made by professional 3D modeling and rendering companies are capable of tricking the mind into believing a 360 degree image is real. To find out why, read on.

Lighting and Shade in 3D Render

Regardless of whether a daytime or nighttime 3D render is needed, the CGI images all have two things in common. Light and shadows. These entangled elements help viewers determine a plethora of viable information which marketers can use to their advantage if they collaborate with a professional 3D rendering company.

Experienced CGI artists are intimately familiar with light source and shadow application. As a result, they can make 3D renders look virtually indistinguishable from real life photos as well as achieve the other beneficial feats listed below.

  • Time of day
  • Natural sunlight
  • Mood lighting
  • Screen glow
  • Adding a lucent spot to an item
  • Giving a shiny surface a “real” reflection

That said, as impressive as these photorealistic feats are, they can look clumsy and be downright off putting if applied inappropriately to an image. To ensure this does not happen, contact a 3D rendering expert equipped with years of CGI render experience.

Texture Matters

From food to decour, texture matters. Through years of experience, humans have naturally used this detail to categorize textures we like, and those we do not.

Given the ingrained habit, the brain will automatically decide an CGI image looks “off” when there is a texture related issue. This can arise when there is an over saturation or a lack thereof of the important detail. Although implementing accurate textural differences is hard, companies, such as Ilustraviz, have the computational know-how required to perfectly balance out the surface variations that viewers anticipate seeing in an image.

Soft Subtle Edges

Look around you. How many sharp edges do you see? Odds are, there are little to no blade like surfaces around your office or home. This is intentional. By rounding out edges, manufacturers can typically ensure the following.

  • Products are safer
  • Items look aesthetically pleasing

To elaborate on that last point a bit, a team of Johns Hopkins University scientists discovered humans prefer curves back in 2010. The experiment the group conducted involved hooking participants up to an MRI machine and showing them blobs of curvy as well as pointy images.

After viewing each picture, individuals would rank the preferability of the image and their brain activity was noted. Upon analyzing the data, scientists revealed that when a participant found an image appealing, there was an increase in brain activity. This same pattern was also established during a different study at the University of Toronto at Scarborough.

Needless to say, softening the sharp, basic edges computers create is a major necessity when it comes to CGI images. Fortunately, professional 3D render artists know exactly how to accomplish this difficult task.