Steps We Can Take to Save Retail Amid COVID-19

Businesses that are considered non-essential, such as retail companies, are in a really tight spot right now in this time of pandemic COVID-19.

Although this mass shutdown is in everyone’s best interest; retail does not have to go extinct to comply with the Centers for Disease Control; or CDC guidelines.

That said; some of these regulations are a bit hard to navigate. To help you abide by these regulations without going out of business; we created the following list.

Make Everything Virtual

With Amazon being a big competitor pre COVID-19; you may have already considered moving everything online. However; now that we are experiencing a pandemic; this digital shift is more vital now than ever. Unfortunately; there are some puzzling inventory hurdles to overcome.

Retailers have thousands upon thousands of items that now need to be photographed; staged; and uploaded as fast as possible.

Although this daunting task sounds very time consuming; thanks to CGI renders; the ordeal is somewhat easy to achieve in the 21st century.

These days; we can rely on trusted 3D modeling and rendering companies; such as Ilustraviz; to generate CGI renders. These photorealistic renderings can be made in all shapes; as well as sizes; and at a fraction of the cost normally charged by photographers.

As an added bonus; each 3D render can be generated in under 48-hours; and requested online; thus maintaining the CDC social distancing order.


Shopping From Home This Period of Covid-19

Speaking of safety regulations; another key issue shoppers need to be aware of is cross-contamination. This occurs when microorganisms; such as viruses; manage to infect people via surfaces. To reduce the chance of this happening with the Coronavirus; the stay-at-home order was issued.

Unfortunately; this leaves little room for retailers to make shopping a fun activity in stores.

To regain some of the in-person pizzazz during quarantine; retailers can enhance their marketing tactics by making online shopping an entertaining experience.

One of the best ways to achieve this is with 3D renderings.

These photorealistic 3D renders can depict anything; from virtually shopping at a company’s traditional retail store to somewhere exotic like the beach. These virtual reality walkthroughs can be as elaborate or quaint as a company needs to match their brand image too. As a result, a company can establish themselves online via imagery association.

Another thrilling aspect of this concept is a bit more “hands-on”. Consumers that are able to rotate and move an object the same; way they would in a store can mimic the experience safely from their own home.

By generating this type of session; retailers can invoke a positive response since the activity is sorely missed in some areas. From there; customers that are happy about their experience are more likely to commit to a purchase; and may even go on to share this pleasant emotion with others, thus increasing brand awareness.

Needless to say; retail businesses that effectively utilize 3D renders have a greater chance of surviving the COVID-19.


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