What is 3D Resolution, and How Pixel Affect Your Render?

What is a 3d pixel resolution, and how pixels affect your render?

Let’s cover the basics so that we know how to make your life easier, your workflow more efficient.

What is a Pixel?

Basically Pixels are the smallest units that can be displayed on a screen. Combined together, these square color pieces form a complete digital picture. If you zoom in on any image on a computer close enough, you will see these tiny tiles. Essentially, every digital image, including 3D renders, is made of a large number of pixels.

Is Resolution The Same as Size?

In short: no. Now let me explain how the resolution and the size are related.

Certainly there seems to be a lot of confusion between bytes and pixels, or file size and image size. You already know what a pixel is. Now, to understand resolution, pixel count and pixel density are the two main factors that you need to think about:

Pixel Count

Pixel count is the number of pixels that your image is made from. To find out the pixel count, you need to multiply the image pixel length by the height.

For instance, if an image has 2,500 pixels on the vertical side and 5,000 on the horizontal side, it gives you a total of 12,500,000. To simplify the large numbers, we came up with numeric names. This resolution would normally be converted into megapixels: 12.5 megapixels.


Pixel Density

Surely how you distribute the total amount of pixels or the so-called pixel density is the second type of resolution. This kind of resolution is measured in dpi (or ppi), which stands for dots (or pixels) per inch. For example, if the image is saved in 72 dpi, it simply means that the pixel density resolution is 72 pixels per inch.

Generally at the end of the day, the overall size of your 3d render depends on the resolution that you chose: both the pixel count and pixel density. For example, if rendering is done in 3000 x 4500 pixels, it can be printed in 10 x 15 inches paper size if the resolution is set to 300 dpi. However, the same image can be printed at 41.6 x 62.5 inches if a 72 dpi is set instead.

Essentially, by reorganizing the existing pixels, you can change the size of your print while keeping the image file size unchanged. The closest analogy is a balloon. You can easily change the size of the overall surface of the balloon by stretching the rubber by adding more air without actually changing the material composition.

What is The Best Resolution for Your Renders?

Evidently great question but it depends on the purpose of the render. Just like any reputable 3d rendering firm, Ilustraviz studio always recommends starting with clearly outlining the intended use or the purpose of the render first.

For instance, an image for a Facebook ad and an image for a full-size billboard would require different resolution, meaning, different processing time and machine power. Therefore, those two renders will also cost you very differently. That is why we emphasize the importance of clearly communicating the purpose of every 3d visualization you need. Based on that a knowledgeable 3d modeling and rendering services provider can advise the best resolution for every image.

Resolution and Rendering Time

Also As a rule of thumb, every time the resolution of an image doubles, the surface area that needs to be rendered quadruples. Render processing times and image file sizes increase four times, as well.

That is relevant for both images and video renders. In fact, rendering a video is an even more resource-intensive and time-consuming process compared to an image rendering.

Imagine how costly it can be quadrupling video processing time and increasing the file size when it is not necessary for the intended use.

Moreover to give you an idea, think of a 3d video rendering this way. Each second of a video is made of around 30 rendered images. That is why an increase in animation resolution is going to take exponentially more time to render because every single image now requires more time to process.

Another be it a realistic fly-through video render for a new master-planned community or a simple interior design model render, 3d visualization is a quite complex process. It involves balancing out all three project management pillars: scope, time, and cost. Making a change in one inevitably affects the other two.

With Ilustraviz, you are in good hands as we take communication very seriously. Be it at the stage of determining the scope, i.e., image resolution, setting realistic deadlines, or estimating the cost of your project.

Have a question? Drop us a line!  We are here to help!


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